Quick Facts
- Our school welcomes students from Kindergarten to grade 6.
- Our programs include Full Day Kindergarten and Core French.
- After completing grade 6, most students attend Sir Robert Borden High School.
Our Mission
The community of Briargreen Public School is committed to providing a caring environment, developing the qualities of self-esteem, creative thinking, a love of learning with respect for self and others. We realize that quality education is an individual, life-long process involving physical, emotional, and social development, to produce happy responsible citizens.
Our goal is to develop and provide to each learner, an education of the highest quality in a positive environment, with caring, dedicated and effective staff members. We, the students and staff, would like to extend a hearty welcome to all who pass by our school website. The purpose of our site is:
- To keep parents and our community informed about our school and its activities.
- To provide resources for students, parents and staff to use.
- To showcase student work and achievement. Whether you are new to our school, a 'seasoned' student or former student, parent or staff; it is our wish that you continue to feel a part of our Briargreen School Community. We hope that you will find the following pages from students and staff both informative and entertaining.
As our school motto says:
"Briargreen, where we like to be!"
Interested in registering your child at our school? Contact us or visit the OCDSB Registration page for more information.
About Our School
Briargreen Public School is a smaller school nestled in the heart of the Briargreen community and shares a beautifully landscaped and well-maintained park with the City of Ottawa. The school provides a caring, nurturing, and safe environment for all its students.
Our School Community
Our school represents a culturally rich community. Our programs are inclusive and celebrate our differences and similarities. Our programs are designed to promote the many talents of our students in the areas of academics, the arts and recreation, both at school and in the community. Some of our students speak Arabic, Chinese, Somali, Korean, Punjabi, Hebrew, Bengali, Tamil, Urdu, Russian, Hindi and German.
A dedicated, collaborative and experienced staff fosters excitement for student-centered learning. The classes are interactive in nature and reflect techniques of grouping and cooperative learning.
The Briargreen staff is committed to creating an exciting, challenging and relevant school experience for all our students. Teachers actively seek professional development opportunities through after-school workshops, summer courses, and curriculum development workshops throughout the year. Particular areas of staff expertise include physical education, drama, art, music and computer education. All of these skills enrich our students’ learning experiences.
Parents/Guardians and Community
Briargreen P.S. prides itself on a dynamic partnership with all its stakeholders. Open lines of communication between the home and school help to ensure the success of all students. This is achieved through email, class and school newsletters, parent interviews, telephone conversations, portfolios, student-led conferences, and report cards.
Our volunteers contribute many hours of support for the benefit of students in our school, helping out in many ways, such as: in the Library, in the classrooms, and as supervisors for field trips and lunch hour activities.
Our dedicated school council meets monthly and organize many fundraising and social events for the school community; with significant contributions to support the Arts, the Library, Technology, Physical Education and other initiatives. As invaluable partners, we thank and recognize the efforts of our parents, guardians and volunteers on an on-going basis. We could not do as much without them!
We welcome our community partners into the school and recognize their efforts through the newsletters, thank you cards and letters. Our annual Welcome Back BBQ is attended by students, parents, staff, former students and neighbours as a celebration of Briargreen P.S.'s key role within the community. We have always enjoyed support from a number of community partners for this.
Programs, Supports, and Activities
We offer the following academic programs:
- Full-day Bilingual Kindergarten (JK-SK): 50% English instruction and 50% French instruction.
- English Program with Core French (Grades 1-6): Instruction in the English language in all subject areas as well as instruction in French through Core French (40 minutes daily).
Special Education
Briargreen’s Special Education team assists children who have been identified as needing support to ensure their success. We work with classroom teachers to differentiate/modify the regular program to accommodate learning styles, and to develop individual learning plans (IEP) when needed. We also collaborate with other OCDSB Learning Support Services personnel, including a school psychologist, a speech and language pathologist, and a social worker. Students identified as having special needs or requiring learning support receive this programming both from their regular classroom teacher and from Special Education personnel within the regular classroom.
English as a Second Language (ESL)
English as a Second Language (ESL) programming is provided to students for whom English is not their first language and who demonstrate a need. Program delivery is based upon the inclusionary model with the focus upon support in the classroom by the classroom, ESL and Special Education support teachers.
Students have opportunities to get involved in a wide range of clubs, athletic teams, and activities. For more details, visit our Teams and Clubs page.
Facilities and Learning Tools
Our school offers:
- Large gymnasium, library (“information centre”), and music room
- Inviting classroom areas with examples of student-produced work
- Basketball courts, small and large play structures, tetherball poles, baseball diamonds, and soccer fields located in outdoor spaces shared with the City of Ottawa.
- A beautiful outdoor "Habitat" created by the staff, students, parents, and community members, which is home to a variety of wildlife, plants and trees. Our kindergarten students use this space daily for outdoor play.
Our community offers a variety of recreational programs for children, an active community association, and proximity to the Ottawa Public Library (Centrepointe branch) and major bus lines. Also, there are many activities for children and adults offered by community groups at Briargreen P.S. in the evenings.
Equity, Inclusion and Indigenous Education
Our multicultural students find a safe, stimulating environment where an atmosphere of mutual respect for all cultures in Canada is cultivated. We strive to ensure that our school is a welcoming and safe place for students of all identities to feel valued and respected as they engage, learn, grow, explore, and discover.
A strong commitment to Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility is embedded throughout the OCDSB's 2023-2027 Strategic Plan and captured within each area of focus: learning, well-being, and social responsibility.
For more information, please visit the OCDSB’s Equity and Diversity website.